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How do I integrate with CompanyCam?

OneClick Code + CompanyCam Integration

This integration allows OneClick Code and CompanyCam to communicate automatically.

Starting a new project within OneClick Code or CompanyCam will automatically create the same job within the other platform. Not only that but your project will have all of the building code documents in the "document" folder in your CompanyCam account! Learn more.

 Before beginning the integration process:

  • You must have an active account with both CompanyCam and OneClick Code in order to integrate the two services
  • You must have admin privileges in CompanyCam, you must use an admin email address when setting up the integration and you must be a Pro member to use this integration
  • You must have admin privileges in OneClick Code and you must be a Pro or Business member to use this integration

Follow these quick steps:

Go to your account page in your OneClick Code app on your desktop or mobile.

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Click on Integrations.

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Click the CompanyCam block on the integrations page.

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  1. At the bottom of the next page, click the Connect button (you will be redirected to the CompanyCam authorization page)

  2. Open CompanyCam and sign in. Click your User Profile icon in the top left toolbar and select Integrations from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on Directory.
  4. Click Integrate next to OneClick Code
  5. Enter the admin email address from your OneClick Code and CompanyCam accounts
    1. Note: the email entered here must have full permissions in CompanyCam in order for the integration to work properly.
  6. Click Connect — this will automatically open OneClick Code.
    (You may be prompted to log in to your OneClick Code account here.)
  7. Click Allow
  8. You'll be taken back to CompanyCam automatically, and you will see this message: You're all set!

Want to integrate with OneClick Code to make your work life easier? Contact us here. 

Interested in other integrations that we offer such as HailTrace, Zapier and CoreLogic? View our Integrations here.